Posts filed under 'icommons summit 2007'
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Als Schmanckerl: Der Film “Starwreck - In the Pirkinning” steht unter einer freien creative commons-Lizenz, seine Macher haben ihn eigenhändig in p2p-Netze eingespeist. (Hintergründe hier.) Lustigerweise haben chinesische und russische Profi-Piraten den Film als DVD rausgebracht. Hier die Beweisfotos:

Haben Samuli und Stephen ziemlich stolz auf ihrem iCommons-Workshop herumgezeigt. Ist auch wirklich originell.
Ich habe den Film inzwischen auch gesehen - obwohl ich Starwars doof finde und überhaupt mit Science Fiction wenig anfangen kann, eher so aus professionellem Interesse. Und was soll ich sagen? Ich hatte einen 1a-albernen Fernsehabend! Allein die Eingangsszene: Der Emperor schreitet auf Kommandodeck und schleift einen Streifen Klopapier hinter sich her. Oder wie der Emperor mit einem Gamer-Joystick das feindliche Kampfschiff abschießen möchte. Genau meine Humorlage! Der Film ist gut, mit Liebe gemachter Nonsense. Die Kampfschiff-Weltallszenen sind beeindruckend. Positiv überrascht. Man muss ja schon sagen, die meisten freien Produktionen sind ja nicht immer Griffe in die Glückskiste der Unterhaltung - Starwreck ist ein Glücksgriff, eindeutig.
June 25th, 2007
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Switching to German again, sorry for the Non-German-Speakers. Markus von hat interessante Interviews mit Vera Franz (Open Society Institute) and Lawrence Liang geführt. Letzterer kann seine Visitenkarten mit der Berufsbezeichnung “Piraterieforscher” zieren. Ich fand Lawrence Liang beeindruckend, und werde demnächst mal was von ihm lesen.
June 24th, 2007
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Cory Doctorow is a dream come true as an interview partner. Very precise, puts not-easy-to- understand-internet-stuff-issues into words so that everybody gets the message. Since it will take time until I can transcribe the interview, here some quotes & essentials:
- “The ancient parabel of the Internet: The more valuable a file is, the more widely distributed it becomes.”
- “When 400 people eat an apple, noone benefits, especially the apple. When 400 people share a file, everyone benefits, especially the file.”
- “It will never get harder to copy things. It will only get easier. And that’s good.”
- “Of all the people who don’t buy my books today – most don’t buy them because they never heard of them. Not because someone gave them a free copy.”
- “The problem for most authors is not piracy, it is obscurity.” (Cory cites Tim O’Reilly)
- “I have so many friends now I never met. Because I live on the Internet.”
June 24th, 2007
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Fred Benenson from took a group photo of all participants on the roof of the Revelin (old fortess), where most of the summit happened.
June 20th, 2007
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icommons summit is over, it was definitely worth going. As always, the breaks in between are the best. You find American software-millionaires (wearing jogging suits) chatting away with Finnish Treckies, Macedonian lawyers discussing with German bloggers, British democracy advocates arguing with Brazilian creative-commoners… Loved it. Panels and lectures were not quite breathtaking, but that’s due to the fact that I’ve heard most of the speakers at other occasions. There was one interesting panel, the one about political activism. Cory Doctorow found an interesting metaphor in order to describe why he fell in love with computers at the age of 5:
Cory Doctorow:” There was this experiment with rats. They got electronic shocks in fixed intervals. Since they knew when the next shock was coming, they managed to live a happy life in between the torture. When the scientists put the shock-intervals at random, the rats died within 4 days, since they never knew when it was coming, they were completely under stress. Well, with computers, you can build the world how you want it to be, you can start controlling it, at least partially. Until the next shock is coming.”
June 19th, 2007
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Closing session: Joi Ito announces that the next years isummit will be “slightly more commercial”: there will be more mainstream media and companies invited. Right now, the Mayer of Sapporo is delivering an… well… interesting video message… the presentation runs since… 10 minutes… seems like Sapporo is one of the greatest cities on this planet. Aha.
June 17th, 2007
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Summit is about to close, here some quotes:
Panel: A Cultural Environmentalist Movement and beyond:
- Cory Doctorow: “Installing Firefox is political. Installing Firefox on your parents computer is even more political.”
- Fred Benenson ( “Is digg a political action?”
Workshop with the starwreck guys.
They were showing their movie, talking about it as well as about new projects, and since they are Finnish everybody got plenty of vodka.
- Someone frome the audience: “How many times did you get slashdottet?”
- Stephen (
“It is alright to pirate our movies. That’s what it is all about.”* (See comments)
- John Buckman (founder magnatune): “Life doesn’ t end if you don’t get picked up by Universal. Now, there are so many other ways to distribute your movie.”
- Samuli (starwreck, starring as the Emperor): (Pointing to the screen, where fighting was going on): “See, we have a lot of action scenes. Actually I really got badly bruised in this scene. Because we did not know how to do stunt scenes, so we really hit each other.”
Other panels:
- Heather Ford: “Listening to Jonathan Zittrain and Larry Lessig is like going to the movies.”
- Jonathan Zittrain: “Oink is bittorrent on crack “
June 17th, 2007
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On the first day of the icommons summit, there was a moving moment during Lessigs speech. At the end, he announced that he would leave all the boards he was on (FSF, etc, see Markus’ post as well), and will only stay with creative commons. He said he dedicated 10 years of his life into fighting for a better copyright system and into creative commons, now it would be time to move on. He does not want to be a kind of “leader” of the free culture movement anymore, it would be time for others to continue. People stood up, clapping their hands, paying respect. It was moving.

I took this picture during his speech. I think the message is quite nice. Did the effect with Gimp. (I love free software, but I really don’t like Gimp, I always go lost when I use it - this time I found this effect and simply left it.)
June 17th, 2007
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Next Podcast-Interview from iCommons summit: The fantasticfantasticfantastic Cory Doctorow - science-fiction-author, copyright activist, co-editor of Boing Boing - talked about:
- how and why he uses creative commons licences for his books, his experiences
- how he talked his publisher (Tor books belongs to Holtzbrinck!) into it
- how his readers collaborate and help to make his writings available in different languages and formats
- the “tragedy of the commons” and why the tragedy transforms into happiness (or as Cory said “grass-shitting sheeps) in digital worlds
- what he thinks of the idea of the content flatrate
- what his attitude towards the here much stressed phrase “free culture movement” is is his website, everyon is strongly advised to read his books and other writings.
The mp3, ogg (26 minutes). (What is ogg? A free standard, see Wikipedia.)
As soon as I find my usb-cable, a picture follows.

June 16th, 2007
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New Podcast from the icommons summit. I’m switching to English, since all interviews are in this language. This morning, I met Samuli Torssonen and Stephen Lee from Starwreck Studios. Samuli was one of the initiators - and is starring as the emperor - in the movie “Starwreck - In the Pirkinning”. Samuli explains how he and his fellows realized the movie and how they managed to make Universal distribute the DVD although everybody can download the work for free. (Yes, it makes perfect sense! Just listen to the interview!)

Nice guys, they claim to have made the most successful finish film ever. Samuli says he was the only one who could play the emperor because he managed to keep the same haircut for 7 years… There will be pictures of him, I took some, but since I managed to leave the camera-usb-cable at the pension, everyone interested in his haircut has to wait until tomorrow.
Here it is.

Here is the mp3, ogg (18 minutes). (What is ogg? A free standard, see Wikipedia.)
Their next film project is iron sky. Story: In 1945, the Nazis went to the moon, but are planning to come back in 2018. I think that sounds promising!
Note: I’ll try to transcribe the essentials of the interview, but this will take time.
June 16th, 2007
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